About Me

Geek : Dad : Vet

Bernard Alexander Huff

I'm a self-taught web developer with a passion for design and creating user interfaces that are clean and easy for others to use. Intuitive design is the name of the game and I'd love nothing more to be with like minded designers and developers so we can bring fresh and innovative products to the market. I also love tacos and Marvel Comics.

Front-End Development
Design & Build
Mobile Development
Special Projects

Design is the fundamental soul of creation that ends up expressing itself in the end.

My Profession

Developer @ Flyhightech.LLC

Founded Flyhightech.LLC

A Software development company based in Chicago with the goal giving small businesses the digital tools they need to grow their client base online.

Apple Developer Liscense

Obtained the developers liscense and published apps in the apple appstore for purchase and for free.

Opening Our First Branch Office

Plans to open own physical branch location next year. Site coming soon...

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